Tuesday, 10 November 2009

6 November: Fresh

We are now just about 100 miles north west of Tristan da Cunha and we
have truly arrived in the South Atlantic. The wind is south westerly and
about force 6 gusting to force 8 and the swell is building gradually.
With the sun out during the day it is absolutely gorgeous. At night it
is fresh! I was cold on deck after 4 hours and was wearing just enough
to last me the entire watch including 1.5 hours of intensive helming .
then the sleeping bag wasn't set up yet for the crisp temperatures so I
was cold in them too. Just finished the 2-6 watch and my butt is nearly
freezing. Time to take the midlayer out of the bag and wear it! Spirit's
are up again and with a short antibiotic treatment my swolen lips may
heal a bit too. Loving it all!!!! :-)